Home to 362 historic monuments, Bordeaux is classified as a “City of Art and History.” Here, you will find one of Europe’s biggest 18th-century urban areas, with some buildings dating back all the way to Roman times. A popular tourist activity is taking a stroll down Rue Sainte-Catherine, a pedestrian street packed with shops, restaurants, and cafes with outdoor seating. Make your way to Place des Quinconces, one of the largest squares in Europe, to marvel at the Monument aux Girondins with its huge fountain honoring the Girondists of the French Revolution.

Also not to be missed is the elegant royal palace known as Place de la Bourse. In the square in front of the palace you’ll find the 130-meter long Water Mirror, the largest reflecting pool in the world. Snap a photo of the palace and its reflection at night, when the lights make the facade even more beautiful. Bordeaux is world-renowned as a wine-making region, so you could catch a tour leaving from the city center to one of the many vineyards in the region and learn everything there is to know about what makes Bordeaux wines so special.

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