Düsseldorf is the quirky, fun-loving capital of the North Rhine-Westphalia region of Germany. This city has something for everyone: the art lover, the architecture buff, and the bar-hopper. The nightlife here is legendary, with a section of the Alstadt (Old Town) being called “the longest bar in the world” because of the 300 bars to be found in close proximity to each other. But perhaps one of the best places to have a pint would be Brauhaus Alter Bahnhof, a beloved Düsseldorf brewery serving up its signature malty, reddish-brown pils.

To get acquainted with the city, go up to the observation level of the 240-meter-high Rheinturm for a great view of the city spread out before you. Then, stroll along the side of the canal on Königsallee and stop in some of the great shops there to get a feel for Düsseldorf fashions. Art lovers should definitely make the trip to see the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, an incredible art collection spread over three separate exhibits in the city center, featuring a wide range of art from many periods of history and the modern era.


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