Graz is Austria’s second biggest city, but by far its most laid-back. With its red rooftops and Renaissance courtyards, this city looks like something out of the Italian countryside, but it’s filled with signature Austrian culture. The historic streets are bustling with great little boutiques, coffee houses, and relaxed pubs full of laughing locals. At Graz’s center stand Schlossberg, a tree-covered hill and public park topped by a fortress and dotted with cafes and entertainment venues. Here you will find the Uhrturm, a squat clock tower in the classic Austrian style, standing above the city center like a lighthouse.

Make your way to the Rathaus (city hall) and the gorgeous Mariatrost Basilica to appreciate Austrian architecture at its finest. Then find the uber-modern Kunsthaus, a sleek and quirky museum of modern art which embodies the creativity of the Austrian people. Graz is truly a city where you can wander without worry; if you find yourself lost, the Schlossberg will guide you home.


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