Brussels is not just the capital of Belgium, but also the administrative capital of the EU, making this city multicultural and giving it an air of importance. Visitors will see noble mansions and sleek glass offices, but the core of the city is a medieval treasure. This core is called Grand Palace, one of the world’s most beautiful public squares, surrounded by museums and wonderful guildhalls, including the Town Hall. If you’re lucky enough to find yourself here in August, the center of Grand Palace may be blanketed by a vivid, colorful flower carpet that celebrates the glory of a summer in Belgium.

Other great things to see in Brussels are the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula and the Parc du Cinquantenaire, with its emerald green gardens and triumphal arch at the center. For a quirky and entertaining activity, make your way to Mini-Europe, a miniature park which houses small-scale replicas of 350 famous European monuments from about 80 cities. The attention to detail and level of craftsmanship in these replicas are make it worth the trip!

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25 membri disponibili adesso

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Jimmy desidera go out & party 8 minuti fa
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Nah desidera découvrir la région circa 2 ore fa
Foto di A
Axel desidera drink tea or coffee circa un'ora fa


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  • Ogni 4-JUN-2024en alle 9:00 PM CEST
  • Le foto di Sven Van Den Meerssche Le foto di Assaf Levanon Le foto di Lulu-Laurie

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  • Ogni 11-JUN-2024en alle 9:00 PM CEST
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  • Ogni 18-JUN-2024en alle 7:30 PM CEST
  • Le foto di Henri Van den Bussche


  • 18-JUN-2024en, marpr 18 alle 9:00 PM CEST
  • Le foto di Sven Van Den Meerssche


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