Dresden, in southeast Germany near the Czech border, is a city with a tragic history but a bright future. Close to the end of World War II in 1945, Dresden was utterly destroyed by a massive bombing raid. But through years of hard work and persistence, Dresden was brought back to life, and its Old Town is as beautiful today as it ever was. Visitors can see just how extensive the damage was by visiting the Panometer, a panoramic depiction of the city as it was the morning after the bombings. Some must-see buildings here are the Frauenkirche, Zwinger Palace, and Semperoper, along with the Fürstenzug, a 100-meter-long porcelain mural depicting a procession of the rulers of Saxony.

Take a leisurely stroll down Brühl's Terrace, a waterfront area on the bank of the river Elbe, popular with locals looking for a place to relax and often referred to as “The Balcony of Europe.” For an unforgettable outdoor adventure, make your way to the mountains of Saxon Switzerland, full of great hiking trails leading to breathtaking views of the countryside and sights like the Bastei bridge and Königstein Fortress.

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Stefanie chciał(a) Hang out 2 dni temu
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Faisal chciał(a) explore the area około 18 godzin temu
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David chciał(a) .. około 11 godzin temu


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