Situated at a crossroads connecting northwestern France’s major cities, Rennes is the governmental and cultural capital of the Brittany region. In this city, bars and cafes are housed in medieval buildings and the cobbled streets are lined with traditional half-timber houses. Perhaps the most popular place for visitors is the section known as Old Rennes, where it seems that time stands still and nothing has changed since the 18th century. On a Saturday morning, head over to Place des Lices for a huge market dating back to 1622 with over 300 producers, traders, and artisans.

To get some fresh air, make your way to Parc du Thabor. This is a stunning park on the crest of the highest hill in the city, and in summer you can see 2,000 varieties of roses in bloom. If you’ve got the time to take a bit of a road trip, drive out to Mont Saint-Michel. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a wonderful fortified island commune just off the coast of Normandy with a population of just 44.

Zaplanowani goście

Spotkaj się lub przyjmij na nocleg kogoś z 1 odwiedzających miasto Rennes


16 – tyle osób korzystało w tym tygodniu z Hangouts

Zdjęcie S
Stéphane chciał(a) go to the swimming-pool około 19 godzin temu
Zdjęcie S
Samuel chciał(a) go to a concert/party this evening 5 dni temu
Zdjęcie G
Gaël chciał(a) hang out this evening około 17 godzin temu


  • sob, mar 1 o 9:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM CET
  • Zdjęcia użytkownika OliGood Zdjęcia użytkownika Sada  SY


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